

对于一般没有时效的文件,比如:学历、学位、出生、死亡等文件, 并没有有效期的说法。 可以一直使用。

对于有些有时效的文件,比如无犯罪、出入境记录,其效力取决于出具机关,或是接受机关,比如加拿大移民部一般接受12个月之内的无犯罪证明。  认证翻译件随着该时效的结束而失效。


Expiry of translated documents

A translation cannot change over time and should be valid indefinitely unless the original document has changed or has expired. If the signature of a certified translator or notary has expired, it does not invalidate the translation. As long as the translator’s certification was valid at the time of signature, the translation remains valid.

The only time the translation would expire and a new translation would be required is if the original document has expired or has changed and the applicant submits a new document.